Monday, March 16, 2009


those are quotes which i bump into. which give so much impact to me.

1/ 'ala..mula mula kawan kawan, pehtu kawen kawen la..'

2/ 'kindness will always brighten up someone's day'

3/ ' i need to reverse the situation so that everything is back to normal. i don't wish to be 'there'. i am not meant to be 'there''

4/ '..sometimes you have to find out yourself. go out. perhaps with every hurt, wound and scars you got along that way it will change you. and perhaps it will change you to be a better person'

5/ '..yang tulus ikhlas ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas, walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu. yang memberi ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima, cukup dengan salam dan manis doa'

6/ '..a part of you has grown in me. and so you see. it is you and me togheter forever and never apart. maybe in distance, but never in heart'

more to come..

ps: dapat dari merata rata. by person, blogs, lagu, tv series and many more

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